

Brazilian panties by Creaciones Selene - Discover all the models!

In Creaciones Selene we want all women to feel comfortable and find their ideal model, both bra and panties, feel comfortable with Selene! Among all the models of panties, there are the Brazilian knickers. Every woman has a different style and we have the right Brazilian knickers for everyone. If they are your favourite, among our variety of knickers, you will find your ideal model.

At Creaciones Selene we place great value on comfort, but we know that design is also very important and gives added value. For this reason, you can find Brazilian knickers in different fabrics and colours. The colours range from classic black or ivory to navy, pink or earthy to wear with lighter garments and not to be noticed at all. The fabrics combine tulle with lace and there is a special model for brides with embroidered details.

Do you already have your favourite? Discover all the Creaciones Selene models and find the matching bra.

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